Saturday, June 28, 2008

Good Morning Sun...

4/5 of the Flatbabes woke up at 3 am this morning to meet the sunrise at the top of Mt. Olympus. Besides the tiredness and the killer gnats (see following post) it was well worth it.


Katie said...

Finally! I've found your blog! I've tried vaisforlovers.blogspot, iloveva.blogspot and countless others. Yay! I'm so glad I get to blog stalk you. I hope you are coming home soon. Call me when you do and we'll go do something. Love ya cuz.
ps- i didn't know you were doing the wasatch back! I was up there (no, not running, just supporting some friends) and I would have totally tried to find you and cheer you on! Good job!

holly jo said...

i am a bird. I miss you too much. why do I miss you? here are a few reasons....
whenever i throw the frisbee, no one throws it back.
whenever I talk smack, nobody answers back.
I don't have anyone to split meals at La Nonne with.
no one to beat in Dr. Mario.
no one to ride my bike everywhere with.
no one to hold me. whoops.
love you tons o la. holls